Life As I Live It

10708550_10203014810599893_2043515241150094618_oSo the last several days, or possible weeks (time runs together when life is complicated, at least this is true for me).  As I was starting to say, over the last little while I’ve been working on trying to start a blog-site.

My primary purpose of starting a blog-site is basically the same as many others. I would like to use it to earn money. Exactly how this is done, I am not at positive on. However, that does not mean I will not eventually figure this out. As I have been reading many different blogs and sites on how to earn money via blogging.

With that said I plan to be putting some effort into this. For me this is especially important that I am able to learn how to earn money through blogging or writing.

The reasons why writing would be best for me are possibly more than others would care to read tonight. So suffice it to be said for me writing appears at this time to be my best option. With some craft items a near second.

Hopefully by the end of this week you will see more interesting and entertaining things appear on this site. That’s my goal. However, I am having a great deal of difficulty learning exactly how to set up this particular blog site. Hopefully, I’ll figure out soon. Maybe I’ll be able to find someone who can help me. Barring that I suppose this will be a trial and error event.

Below is a link to one of many articles I’ve found about earning income via blogging. Perhaps some of you will find this article inspiring and encouraging also.
How I Make $5,000 a Month as a Paid Blogger






Life As I Live It, Jan 25, 2016

Okay, so today must be getting a little better. Seeing’s as how only the car broke today and it was fixable. Thanks, to my husband’s father teaching how to work on cars. The drive-shaft broke. Not a positive thing as your vehicle won’t drive when that breaks, it just plain won’t go.

Last night though a simple trip to the laundry mat resulted in a dryer over-heating to the point that the glass in the door broke. This resulted in glass in the clothes and very hot clothes, like hot to the touch. Thankfully, there were no injuries but exploding glass is not exactly a positive. The clothes did have to be shaken out to remove glass, hopefully that removed all of the glass. Then the owner of the laundry-mat had to be called to let them know about the dryer. Fortunately another customer was also at the laundry and knew who to call.

So between the car breaking, and the dryer glass exploding I think it’s fortunate we’re still alive today. At times it feels like we have a target painted in our direction with so many things headed in our direction. Which would not be so bad if it were not so many difficult things.

Have you ever felt like you were the target at a shooting range? Or the bull’s eye on a dart board? Well that is how we’ve felt lately. So working on some positive posts may be a bit more difficult as I get this blog-site started but I’ll try.

On a more positive note I was able to get an Etsy store made. However, I am in need of a camera or a person with a camera to make photos of the items I make to sell. Hopefully, I’ll be able to get the Etsy store filled up soon, and better have some orders. I decided to call the pot-holders I make “Country Kitchen Pot-holders”, I may should have called them “Ole’ Timey Country Kitchen Pot-holder’s” I’m not sure which name sounds best. I need to add more photos and colors for more variety. So I plan to work on that as I can.

The only thing about the Etsy store the link I tried to make from here to there doesn’t work like it should so I’ll have to work on that.

So anyway, how is your week starting out? I hope that you have had a very good start to the week.

The snow storm this past weekend has left a sloshy mess, ice, mud, and snow. Hopefully, the snow will be gone soon. I look forward to the possibility of being able to plant a garden in the spring. Maybe this will be a good year for gardening.

As I work on figuring out exactly how to make this blog site work I’ll add more posts and pictures. Pictures may take a little longer than I’d like especially as I don’t currently have a camera. So we’ll keep working towards letting you get to know us a little better.